As usual we started our class with suratul Fatihah since we
missed last week’s lecture our lecturer start
With an ice breaking, rules in the class, course outline,
assessment and introduction to information technology. Before we started the
first topic we had a recap on what is Computer? It’s operation system, history
of computer and it categories.
In the Second session, the differences between data, information,
the economics, and problems associated with information management.
Data is a raw fact
Information is a data that is process, organized and becomes
Input and
Output data
Input is a data or instruction put into the memory of a computer
Output is a data that is processed into useful information.
We also learned the roles of information.
It is used to persuade and influence
It can be capital resources for certain companies
In the third session, we learned about qualities of valuable
information and they are
Accurate, verifiable, timely, organized, complete and
Data integrity and the degree in which data is correct, that
is garbage in and garbage out.
Economics of information in today's business has great
impact in many industries.
The two basic elements and three components are reach and
richness and bandwidth, customization
and interactivity. It functions. It also explain the richness of information
because of connectivity of internet, web standard
And application standard and how it works. Communication from sender to medium to
They share resources, information and promoting and
collaborating communication.
Last session three
was about information management...just like managing any kind of information. Information
management is made up of system like....
- Web content management
Document management
- Record management
- Digital asset management
- Learning management system
- Learning content management.
After the
lectures we were given exercises on what we've learned and groups were formed to
search about one of the information management and present it the following
.On Thursday we had an activity we were put in a group of
five and our topic was using our creative imagination to list, draw or describe
the usage of ICT banking in KENYA.
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