Blogger Widgets

Thursday 11 April 2013


Hi asalamualaikum, below is the last topic of this second trimester which is about “WEB APPLICATION”. I would like to thank ALLAH for giving me the health throughout the whole of this trimester. Enabling me to complete it with understanding with the help of my beautiful lecturer Miss Nisha. God bless for your time and devotion you gave to us. THANK YOU.

WEB APPLICATION: It refers to any application, services in internet and it examples are Google document, Windows Live Hotmail, Turbo Tax online......and so on. As we learnt in Internet Web browsers are software application that allow users to retrieve data and interact with content located on web pages within a website and it examples are internet Explorer, Netscape. Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera mini...
Web applications are commonly used as combination of Script and Client and Server. If they are together then that becomes Web application.

Web pages and types of Web: Web document and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) are Web page.
Static web and Dynamic web page are types of page. In the internet treated about HTML and I would talking about is
 Static is a read only web which allows users to search for information and read it... Example. Web 1.0
Dynamic Web is a web for interaction between people, software. Example: web 2.0 and 3.0.

GENERATION OF WEB: It is information displayed on web page as static content, closed external editing(users are not allow to contribute).It has hyper-linking of the web-pages and bookmarking were two of the most important aspect of web 1.0 and it is in the html coding examples information website, educational web, company website.

GENERATION Of WEB 2: Web 2.0 is the popular term for advances internet technology and applications which allows user to interact with information. It allows users to edit his information on blog, post, comment and share individual information. Examples of the software use are adobe reader, oracle java, window media....etc.

GENERATION OF WEB 3: Web 3.0 is about semantic web, based on intelligent web application using Machine-based learning and reasoning
          Intelligent applications   example DSS, ESP.

Web 2,0 site has two categories online social network and mash ups and aggregation .We all know social network allow people to meet and communicate
With each other in the form politics, games and so on.

Aggregation as we all know sum of all things. Which means?
Is a web site that mix different content from other web sites to
Create a new kind of content. Examples include
Data, video, social, search, news aggregators.
Information technologies and applications.
XML and AJAX are the examples of programming language used in Web application.
Programming language is a set of words. Abbreviations and symbols that enables programmer to
Communicate the instructions to a computer.
 The programmer is divided into two parts
Low level language (machine language-1 generation PL and assembly language-2 generation PL))
High level language (there are first, second, third generation PL)

It is binary number that is 0 and 1 or combination numbers and letters that represent binary digits.

Third languages as we all know are the first to use true English-like phrasing, making easier to use than the previous languages. It is also known as Procedural languages and they are
Pascal AchiveX
Fourth generation is non-procedural languages. It uses graphical tools and the language are
Visual Basic
Visual Age
Fifth generation is Object-oriented and Web development tools. Examples: Prolog. AJAX, JAVA Sprit. It functions were explained in notes which I understood very well.
XML: External Markup language (Markup language for Web Documents (2.0) which includes words and pictures (chapter hard ware, topic input device) html hardware and input device.
 Under the Web 2.0 we have Tagged, Blog, Wiki....
RSS 2.0 and broadcasting and video casting are all under Web 2.0 IT
Google Application: series of application from Google Messaging, Calendaring, Documents, Video, Sites, Talk
And maps and all of it function were stated and I understood them very well.

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